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Bill Conner, Business Consultant » Modules


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TEAM PROCESS�It is a constant adage, employers get can�t their employees to do what they want them to do and employees don�t know what management wants them to do in their job. This training shows you how to manage your company using the team process. Your employees �become owners, not renters� and the company grows. Learn the roles and skills needed to lead and be a team player, create actions that grow the company and staff and make decisions that show direction to all.

PLANNING, GOAL SETTING, AND TIME MANAGEMENT�The most important aspect of improving as an individual. This training will enable you to �get control of your life�. The most successful people write their life goals down. This training will show you an easy way to write down where you want to go in your life. After learning to set goals you are taught how to plan monthly and daily to achieve your goals and objectives, and get those difficult tasks completed. We show particpants an easy method to plan your life. Finally learn the hindrances to achieving success in life and how to avoid the pitfalls they bring to you. The training teaches how to control the priorities in your life.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS�We learn to read, write and speak in school, but how many times are you taught to �LISTEN� . This seminar shows you how to listen to your employees, customers, and vendors to increase your productivity and enhance your personal life.

SUPERIVISORY MANAGMENENT�One of the constant issues in business are supervisors that don�t know how to manage their people, equipment and assign tasks properly for success. Your training starts with a Supervisory Skills Assessment, followed by an individual prescription for training in the skills to develop your supervisory talents. You learn how to develop your staff, organize your work and develop the tasks to achieve the company�s goals..

PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT�This training will tell you your personality style by way of a proven assessment. Learn about your personality as well as others in your work group, which enables better working relationships. You will be given techniques to work with other personalities that are different from yours to enhance everyone�s productivity.

WINNING@CUSTOMER SERVICE�Process to improve customer service.

FORMING A BUSINESS STRATEGY�Developing a plan of action (goals) for the future. Plans for one year, five years, and ten years.

MARKETING STRATEGY�Defines who you are, what you sell, who buys it, why they by it, and developing a strategy to meet your customers needs and wants.

WRITING A BUSINESS PLAN�The process to develop a business package to present to a financial institution to obtain funding for your business.

NEW EMPLOYEES INTO TEAM PROCESS�Explaining the process to a new staff member so that they can be a working member of the organization.

TRUST�Establishing an atmosphere in your firm which creates increased cohesion among employees. (Half a day)

A PROCESS TO WRITE VISION, MISSION , AND BUSINESS VALUES�The backbone for a business. This seminar teaches how to develop a vision, mission and business values.

EMPOWERMENT VS. CONTROL�Learn to delegate and let your employees solve problems so that the owners can build the strategy to grow their business.

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES�Developing alliances with vendors and/or other business concerns to enhance the profitability of all parties.

PRIORITIZE PROBLEMS�Methods are taught to rank our problems to make sure we solve the most important challenges first.

EMPLOYEE EXPECTATION PLANNING�Developing a process for the employee to perform according to the goals of the firm.

UNDERPERFORMING EMPLOYEE�Determining the causes and developing the solutions for enhancing performance.

CUSTOMER RELATIONS�A process for the employee to work with a firm’s most valuable asset, the customer.

SOLVING PROBLEMS BY USING TEAMWORK�A process to identify, solve, and develop follow-up regarding the problems that confront business.

PERSONAL STYLE INVENTORY�Understanding how people think, act, make decisions, and live in the world around them. An assessment to understand their personality. Using the information to create a better working environment.

HIRING PERSONNEL�A ten step process to hire the best candidate for your company.

MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES�Ways to inspire employees to superior performance.

RELATIONSHIP SELLING�Learn to sell the most successful way. No more cold calling. Learn how to build a powerful network to make selling more enjoyable.

PROMOTIONS�Ideas to grow your business with promotions that involve your employees. They get increased wages, gifts, and bonuses. You get increased commitment and more profits.

TELECOMMUNICATIONS�A process to properly use the communications available to your firm, phone etiquette, understanding your phone system, methods to make the telephone a tool to grow your business.

WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS�Explaining the best way to use the written word to achieve success in your business.

DECISION MAKING�A process to make intelligent and progressive decisions in the work place.

CONFLICT RESOLUTION�A process to resolve friction between and among employees, owners, and customers.

LEADERSHIP TRAITS�A program to discuss and develop leadership skills in a

TEAM BUILDING �A workshop to understand the basic elements to ensure teams are successful